• Where can naturopathy support you?

    Digestive health: IBS, IBD, SIBO, food intolerance, infections, bloating, distension, constipation / diarrhoea, reflux, gastritis, low appetite, abdominal pain

    Female health: cycle awareness, irregular cycles, PCOS, endometriosis, heavy / painful menstrual bleeding, PMS, PMDD, vaginal infections, UTIs, transitioning from the oral contraceptive pill, post pill acne / hormone imbalance, menopause

    Skin: acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungal infections

    Mental health & the nervous system: anxiety, stress, depression, burnout, sleep disturbance, fatigue,
    low energy

    Immune support: frequent infections, chronic cold / flu, sinusitis, allergies, autoimmune conditions

    Endocrine: energy, burnout, thyroid issues

  • I. 1:1 naturopathic consult

    All naturopathic appointments are 1:1 and will be conducted either online via a video call on Telehealth, or face-to-face from your home through a home visit. With each appointment comes a deep dive into the current landscape of your health. An initial meeting requires the exploration of the presenting complaint/s, alongside associated body systems, diet, and lifestyle. Additional functional testing may be recommended for further investigation.

    Initial consult 60-90 mins

    Return 30 mins


  • II. Acute prescribing

    Bothered by a minor issue? Acute prescribing is to support minor, common aliments for quick relief. Best suited to things like acute colds & flu, cough, sleep concerns, mild anxiety, and stress. A brief overview of concern and health landscape is conducted, followed by the provision of an acute prescription.

    15 mins


  • III. Functional testing

    Functional pathology testing allows me to identify and uncover the root and underlying causes for dis-ease. Testing is specific for each individual and not necessary for every case. Prices vary.

    Functional testing options:

    1. stool test (gut microbiome)

    2. vaginal swab (vaginal microbiome map)

    3. urine test

    4. blood test (genersal health, hormones)

    5. saliva test (hormones)

  • Testimonials

    “Rhi is a wealth of knowledge with naturopathy and nutrition, and I’ve been a witness to her wisdom with both. Two key areas Rhi from Flore has been helping me with are nervous system as well as digestive system support and I’m stoked for what we’re achieving. I also really like her acute prescribing offering and would highly recommend for anyone who wants to get onto a minor issue quickly! Thank you Rhi xx”

